Label: "illiberal democracy"

Orbán Viktor 2024. november 8-án a budapesti informális EU-csúcs utáni sajtótájékoztatón.
January 20, 2025 13:16

Hungary's Orbán: I will launch the second phase of the great offensive against Brussels

Prime Minister talks EU affairs and the Hungarian Presidency

Vera jouróvá
April 02, 2024 16:15

Orbán will be watched with a wary eye during Hungary's EU Presidency - EU Commissioner

Věra Jourová says country's isolation is due PM's 'double game'

Orban Viktor Ursula von der Leyen RRF hitel elengedte a kormany 210427
April 28, 2022 09:26

EU triggers historic probe to force Hungary to remedy its democratic backslide

Decade-long problems might lead to cut of EU funds

vera jourova europai bizottsag magyarorszag orban viktor lemondas felszolit
September 29, 2020 13:52

EC Presidents stands by commissioner Hungary wants to resign

Rule of law report to be unveiled on Wednesday

Orban Viktor unios csucstalalkozo jogallamisagi feltetel unios tamogatas200720
September 29, 2020 11:28

Hungary rattles its chains, bares its teeth, cuts ties with EC Vice President

PM Viktor Orbán says Věra Jourová must step down

Vera Jourova europai bizottsag jogallamisag varga judit lemondas felszolitas
September 29, 2020 08:59

Hungary's Justice Minister demands Commission Vice President's resignation

Varga wants Věra Jourová gone

June 15, 2018 10:50

Hungary's Orbán on the front page of The Economist

In infamous company.

May 09, 2018 16:19

Renowned professors against Hungary's 'Stop Soros' legislation

They say new law is a threat to democracy, civil society.

June 29, 2017 15:45

Hungary's rule of law or lack of it addressed in Brussels

Commissioners on PM Orbán and his practices.